An annual simply defined is a plant that germinates, grows, flowers and dies in one growing season. Here on our website, you will find among the plants listed as annuals many tender perennials. We have designed our website to serve the population in our service area which is southern South Dakota. That being said, if you look at the Hardiness Degree, most tender perennials will have a temperature below 32˚F degrees listed.
There are many benefits to planting annuals. They are a great choice for the areas of your flower bed, where you would like to rotate color each year. They work well for the beginning gardener to test their green thumb, as they are a cheaper option than perennials and there are many low maintenance varieties. For the most experienced lover of perennials, they remain a fantastic option for maintaining color in the flower bed through out the season. Annuals are always a wise choice for baskets and containers.
We carry nearly 650 varieties of annuals from approximately 135 species. Low maintenance varieties include petunias, vincas, geraniums and pansies. Have the easiest ones mastered? Try your hand at something more complicated like fuchsias and tuberous begonias.
Browse our site to choose your favorite varieties in the cool of your home. You will notice plants are divided by their need for light. Plants are filed under the category that best suits their optimal growth and blooming. Under exposure in the plant details, you will see other places that the plant can be planted. Therefore petunias are filed under full sun, but most varieties can handle part shade. Begonias do best in full shade, but some varieties can handle some direct sunlight.